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Piattran to move forward with proposed storage building

Aug 25, 2023Aug 25, 2023

MONTICELLO – Officials hope to have more information soon on a proposed new building for Piattran.

Transportation Director Jami Trybom told the transportation committee on Thursday that she is continuing to work on putting together information for a Request for Proposal for the engineering work for a proposed new building on its property at 1925 N. Market St. in Monticello.

The engineering estimates phase will be followed by estimates for the actual building, Trybom said.

Previously, officials discussed constructing a 60 X 80-foot building to house buses and vans. An $800,000 state grant will fund the project. It would primarily house three large buses – the 22- and 26-passenger buses and all three mini vans.

Trybom intents to bring whatever information she has concerning engineering to the transportation committee next month.

The city will review the engineering plans, but have not expressed any opposition to the proposed project.

Driver's lounge proposed

Officials are also considering putting in a driver's lounge at the facility.

"When you have three or four drivers taking lunch at the same time, as we often do, it gets crowded," said assistant director Tim Gadbury. "We don't provide them with a very good area if they want to eat their lunch. And it will cut down on the traffic in the office."

Trybom added that it can get noisy in the office if employees on break are nearby talking on their phones.

The area under consideration is a 15 x 40-foot room. Preliminary plans include adding a microwave, running water and possibly some furniture.

"It's been something we have been wanting to do for many years and we are excited about it," Gadbury said. "It would provide a better environment for our employees."

The estimates on the proposed project will be forwarded to the committee.